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Jan 25

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Gemma Pontson

Start 2025 Right: The Importance of Employment Terms

The new year offers an ideal time for employers to review employee documentation and ensure compliance with legal requirements. A number of recent WRC cases provide an important reminder that the legal requirement to issue written employment terms to employees includes trainee and intern employees. By adhering to the requirement to provide employment terms in writing, employers foster a professional work environment and reduce the risk of potential legal disputes.

Daina Cathcart worked as a Trainee Picture Framer for Glenart Framing & Art Gallery Limited for several months, but was not provided with a written statement of employment terms. After the end of her employment, Ms Cathcart submitted a complaint to the WRC. In response, the Director agreed that a written statement had not been issued. Consequently, the WRC Adjudication Officer found the complaint well founded and ordered the respondent to pay the complainant compensation of €991, approximately two weeks’ remuneration.

Kelvin Tobun worked as an intern at Dx Compliance Ltd, but raised a WRC claim stating that he had not been given any written terms and conditions, despite asking for an employment contract, and had not been paid his wages in August or September 2023. The WRC Adjudication Officer found both complaints well founded and therefore ordered the respondent to pay Mr Tobun €609.12 for not having provided the required employment terms and €2,370 for the unpaid wages.

Takeaways for Employers

To conclude, it is crucial that employers are aware that the requirement to provide written employment terms applies to all employees, including employees working as trainees and interns. These cases are just two recent instances highlighting the financial and reputational risks of not complying with this requirement, there are many other examples with similar outcomes.

Bright Contracts offers template employment contracts and other resources to help employers meet their obligations. Visit our website or talk to a member of our team to find out more about the help we can offer you.

Posted in Contract of employment, Employee Contracts, Employment Law, Workplace Relations Commission, WRC