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Aug 17

Posted by
Jennie Hussey

The importance of having an Absence/Sick Leave Policy

As an employer, it can be quite a daunting prospect having to deal with sick leave and long-term sick leave can throw up other issues making it seem more complicated and even more daunting for the employer to deal with effectively. So how can an employer ensure compliance during these periods of absence?

First and foremost an Absence/Sick Leave Policy needs to be put in place. It must contain clear and concise guidelines for the employee and employer to follow in cases of absence

Your Absence Policy should include:

1. Details of any company Sick Pay Policy:

  • If an employer will/will not pay employee while on certified/uncertified sick leave.
  • If payments are to be made, length of term for payments.

2. Notification and certification requirements if employees are absent due to illness:

  • How much notice an employee needs to give an employer if they will be absent from work.
  • After how many days of absence a medical certificate is required.
  • For long-term absences, how often a medical certificate is required to be presented to the employer.

3. A statement that in the case of long-term absence due to illness, the employee may be required to attend a company GP or other nominated medical persons/facilities at the request of the employer.

It would also be advisable to include details on what is classed as being short-term, long-term and unauthorised absences - Unauthorised leave is absence by the employee without consent or approval from management or without proof of illness by means of a doctors certificate and should be dealt with as a matter of misconduct via the company disciplinary procedures.

As with most company policies and procedures, once in place, the employees will be aware of what is expected of them during times of absence or sick leave; this, in turn, should eliminate any further issues from arising.

Bright Contracts has a comprehensive Absence and Sick Leave Policy built into the Company Handbook which can be customised to suit your own company specifications and requirements.

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Bright Contracts - Employment Contracts and Handbooks

Posted in Company Handbook, Contract of employment, Employee Contracts, Employee Handbook, Employee Records, Employment Contract, Pay/Wage, Sick Leave/Absence Management, Staff Handbook

Aug 17

Posted by
Lauren Conway

Employee reasonably dismissed after leaving a charity van outside a pub overnight

The Workplace Relations Commission (WRC) found that an employee had been fairly dismissed after he left a charity van, displaying the charity’s logo, parked outside a pub overnight. The van was recovered from the car park the following day when the worker telephoned a colleague and asked that they retrieve it. However, the worker was suspended with full pay, pending investigation, when he returned to work on Monday. The following month, as a result of the investigation the employee was dismissed.


The worker had been employed at with the charity for less than a year, and therefore did not meet the requirement of having 1 years’ service in order to make a claim for unfair dismissal under the Unfair Dismissals Acts 1977-2015. The case instead was brought under the Industrial Relations Acts 1969, investigating a dispute between an employer and employee, and whether natural justice and fair procedures were followed during the investigation and dismissal.

The employee argued that he was subject to an unfair investigation and was dismissed for taking a charity van home, which he claimed was customary among employees to do in order to facilitate work routes the following day. He added that he had received an urgent phone call from his mother regarding the hospitalisation of his father and that the only way he could assist in taking his mother to the hospital was by using the charity’s van.

The employer argued that as a charity, in a time where voluntary contributions are increasingly under scrutiny that their public image is of the utmost importance. They noted that they had a vehicle policy in place and that the absence of a company van for over 24 hours was unacceptable. The employer also argued that during the disciplinary process “a female manager had become frightened by suggestions that the complainant would call to her home address”.


The adjudication officer found:

“Taking in mind the open admission of the complainant that he had taken the van home and the extensive nature of the investigation and proper appeal procedures, I came to the view that the dismissal decision was in the band of reasonableness for an employer in the charity/voluntary sector concerned.”

Learning Points

It is important to note that although an employee cannot make a claim for unfair dismissal under the Unfair Dismissals Acts 1977-2015 if they have less than 1 years’ service, employers must ensure that natural justice and fair procedures are followed at all times. We can also see from this case how having clear policies and procedures in place is extremely important, particularly to assist protecting your business against a possible claim.

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Posted in Company Handbook, Contract of employment, Dismissals, Employee Contracts, Employee Handbook, Employment Contract, Employment Tribunals, Staff Handbook

Aug 17

Posted by
Victoria Clarke

Paternity Leave – Uptake lower than expected

In September 2016, fathers of children born in Ireland became eligible for the first time to take up to two weeks’ paternity leave and to receive Paternity Benefit from the Department of Social Protection. Statistics collated from the first few months of the scheme show, however, that just one in four fathers eligible for the scheme chose to avail of it. This is in stark contrast to the expectation that 60% of eligible fathers would avail of the scheme when it was first announced.

Just over 5,000 paternity benefit applications were awarded during the first three months of the scheme going live, with County Longford, Kerry, Roscommon, and Clare having the fewest applicants. A larger uptake, however, was seen in County Dublin, Cork and Kilkenny.

A further 7,500 paternity benefit claims were subsequently awarded in the first four months of 2017. Under the new scheme, eligible fathers are entitled to two weeks of paternity leave. The two-week leave can be taken at any point within 28 weeks of the birth or adoption of a child, but the two weeks must be taken together.

A social welfare benefit of €235 per week is paid for the two weeks. It is at an employer’s discretion if they wish to top up this payment to the full weekly wage normally earned by the employee. Despite the low uptake so far, it is hoped that the number of applicants will increase as the scheme enters its second year in September.

Current statistics also don’t reflect fathers who may be delaying their paternity leave, for example, fathers whose child was born on February 28 this year can take it at any time up to September 1, 2017.

Guidance on how employers should treat Paternity Benefit and when it should be entered in Thesaurus Payroll Manager can be found here:

Related article: Equality for working Dads with new Paternity Leave

Posted in Annual Leave, Parental Leave

Aug 17

Posted by
Lauren Conway

€30,000 Awarded to employee dismissed during probation

If an employee has less than one year of service with an employer they are not protected under the Unfair Dismissals Act 1977-2007. In spite of this, all employees are entitled to natural justice and fair procedures, which makes dismissing an employee whilst on probation less straightforward than it may seem. This is evident in this case where a former General Secretary of the Irish Postmaster Union was awarded €30,000 for being unfairly dismissal during his 6 months probationary period.


The employee commenced working for the Irish Postmaster Union in August 2009 and was advised that he was on a probationary period for 6 months. In October 2009 he had his first performance review and in January 2010 he had his second performance review. Towards the end of January, the employee was informed that there were reservations regarding his performance and that this probation period was to be extended for a further 3 months. The employee wrote a letter to his employer expressing his concerns regarding this and was subsequently dismissed and paid 3 months’ salary in lieu of notice.


The court found that the employer had failed to “adhere to either its own disciplinary procedures or be bound by the provisions of the Code of Practice on Grievance and Disciplinary Procedures S.I. No 146 of 2000 because he was on probation, was misconceived”. The employee was awarded €30,000 for unfair dismissal on top of the 3 months’ salary he was paid in lieu of notice.

Learning Points

Employers must be aware that although the employee is not protected by the Unfair Dismissals Act, that they can still make a claim for unfair dismissal under the Industrial Relations Act, 1969. It is advisable for an employer to include a probationary clause in their employee’s contract of employment, and if they wish to dismiss an employee during the probation period that they should exercise fair procedures.

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Posted in Awards, Company Handbook, Contract of employment, Dismissals, Employee Contracts, Employee Handbook, Employment Contract, Employment Tribunals, Staff Handbook

Aug 17

Posted by
Lauren Conway

Employee fairly dismissed over 2 paper cups of coffee powder

A chief kitchen steward for a 4-star hotel in Limerick has lost his case for unfair dismissal over two cups of coffee powder. Krzysztof Scislowski was dismissed from the Strand Hotel in Limerick in March this year after he admitted to taking two cups of coffee powder he liked from the hotel kitchen as it wasn’t available in the staff canteen.


Mr. Scislowski had been employed at the Strand Hotel since 2007 as chief kitchen steward where his duties included the supervision of staff and of cleaning, maintenance of all cleaning equipment and to control the security of hotel stock and property. Two paper cups full of coffee powder were found in his locker during a search after a colleague reported seeing Mr. Scislowski wrapping the cups and putting them into his pocket. Mr. Scislowski initially claimed that he had bought the coffee at a shop and transferred it to the cups when the glass jar broke. But during the third interview, he confessed that he had taken it from the dry-goods cupboard. He said that he had lied because he was scared that nobody would believe him that the coffee was intended for consumption during work and not to take home.


Mr. Scislowski was dismissed for gross misconduct on the grounds that trust was lost when he took the coffee and then lied about it. He appealed the decision to the general manager who upheld the decision on the grounds that the Strand Hotel “has zero tolerance of theft and that the value of the item taken is not a factor”.


He told the EAT and that he did not understand the severity of his actions and thought that with an unblemished record that he would only receive a warning. The tribunal found that the hotel was reasonable to believe that Mr. Scislowski had intended on taking the coffee home and that he had breached the trust they had put in him as he was responsible for the security of the stock and when he lied during the initial stages of the investigation.

It's clear to see that once you have company policies and procedures in place and you follow those procedures during a dismissal process, you are protecting your company if a claim were brought against you. 

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Posted in Company Handbook, Contract of employment, Dismissals, Employee Contracts, Employee Handbook, Employee Theft, Employment Contract, Employment Tribunals, Staff Handbook

Jul 17

Posted by
Laura Murphy

What does GDPR mean for employers?

Employers process huge amounts of HR related personal data on a daily basis. The new General Data Protection Regulations (GDPR) expand current obligations in terms of how data that is processed.

Employee Communication

Currently employers must provide employees with some information, including the identity of the data controller and the purpose for which data is being processed. Under the new legislation this will increase to include, informing employees of how long the data is stored for, details of employee’s right to make data access requests, and the right rectify or to delete the personal data.


The issue of consent will be very important across the board but particularly from a HR perspective. Currently, most employment contracts will contain a standard consent clause regarding the processing of employee data. Under GDPR employers will unlikely be able to depend solely on these blanket clauses.

GDPR stipulates that consent must be freely given, specific, informed and unambiguous. Employee consent is not generally considered to be valid as consent is usually not deemed to be “freely given”. This is due to the power imbalance between the employer and the employee.

Whilst it is still best practice for employers to include details of data processing within the contract of employment, it should not be the sole form of consent for processing employee’s personal data.

How do employers justify processing employee data?

From 25 May 2018 employers will need to have additional justifications for the processing of employee data. These may include:

  • To fulfil contractual obligations: this could allow employers process employee details in order to meet the terms of the contract of employment. For example, the processing of payroll data.
  • Legal obligations: for example, health and safety and tax legislation denote valid grounds for processing data.
  • Other legitimate interests: employers may have internal legitimate interests for processing data, such as to improve efficiencies. Where this justification is relied upon employers should ensure that the purpose is legitimate and it must be done in the least intrusive manner possible.

Data Access Requests

Should an employee request to access their data, under the GDPR employers will have one month to comply, reduced from 40 days. It will no longer be permissible to charge employees for requesting to access their personal data.

To Conclude

Employers are well advised to take time to fully consider the legal grounds they rely on in order to process employee personal data. Ensure that where processing does occur it is necessary, proportionate and carried out in the least intrusive manner possible. Employers should also communicate with staff ensuring that staff notices and privacy policies are up-to-date with the GDPR requirements.

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Bright Contracts - Employment Contracts and Handbooks

Jul 17

Posted by
Jennie Hussey

Minimum Wage to increase by 30c

Taoiseach, Leo Varadkar has welcomed proposals from the Low Pay Commission to increase the national minimum wage to €9.55 from 1st January 2018. “It’s an increase well ahead of inflation, well ahead of average wage growth in the economy. It is modest, it works out at about an extra €12 per week but it is still an important step in the right direction” he said.

It would be the fourth increase in the minimum wage since 2011, the third in the last two years and the second under this Government. But it should be seen as a further step towards the Programme for Government commitment for a minimum wage of €10.50, the Taoiseach added.

Although the move has been welcomed in political circles, Retail Ireland warned it could impact on jobs in the sector. Thomas Burke, the director of retail Ireland said; “With little to no inflation in consumer goods and growing concern over the impact Brexit is already having on the retail sector, there is absolutely no economic basis for a further increase to the minimum wage. Such a rise at this juncture would significantly affect retailers’ ability to remain competitive against a backdrop of falling prices and rising costs within the industry.”

The Irish Business ad Employers Confederation (IBEC) argued that the minimum wage here is already one of the highest in Europe and with this increase would be 12% higher than that in the UK. It called on Tánaiste Frances Fitzgerald, who will oversee the changes, to delay the implementation.

“Workers need a pay rise to keep pace with the increasing cost of living in Ireland …but these employers must be supported to absorb the cost of pay increases in a way that doesn’t harm their competitiveness.” Said Niall Collins, the Fianna Fail enterprise spokesman.

Figures from the Central Statistics Office last April showed that 10.1% of employees earned the National Minimum Wage or less in that year. Tánaiste Fitzgerald said the increase “offers support to people and creates better opportunities to benefit from a better wage.”

BrightPay - Payroll Software
Bright Contracts - Employment Contracts and Handbooks

Jul 17

Posted by
Lauren Conway

Workplace Relations Commission Annual Report Findings

The Workplace Relations Commission (WRC) has released their second annual report revealing interesting and surprising statistics. In 2016, a total of 4,830 inspections were carried out, of which 60% were unannounced. 2,398 breaches of employment legislation were recorded with an average of 1.2 breaches per employer. By far the most common breach was the failure to keep adequate employment records (62%) followed by employment permits irregularities (17%).

Other highlights from the report are:

• 14,400 complaints were made
• €1.5m was recovered in unpaid wages
• Almost 75,000 employees were covered by inspections
• 85% of workplace disputes were resolved

The most common complaints that were heard include:

• 28% Pay related issues
• 15% Unfair dismissal issues
• 12% Working time issues
• 11% Discrimination/equality related
• 9% Trade disputes/IR issues
• 9% Terms and conditions of employment-related

The sectors showing a higher degree of non-compliance were:

• 60% Electrical
• 53% Hair and Beauty
• 49% Construction
• 47% Agriculture
• 45% Wholesale and Retail

Keeping appropriate employment records is not just a legal requirement placed on the employer but is also protection for both the employer and employees. Having proper records in place ensures that information and documents regarding wages, hours worked etc., are readily available in the case of grievances and disputes or a WRC inspection. Not having records in place leaves the employer is at a distinct disadvantage in the event of a dispute and at risk of failing an inspection. Primary to this employers are advised to have robust contracts of employment and policies and procedures in place and to ensure that they are fully compliant and kept up to date.

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BrightPay - Payroll Software
Bright Contracts - Employment Contracts and Handbooks

Posted in Company Handbook, Contract of employment, Dismissals, Employee Contracts, Employee Handbook, Employee Records, Employment Contract, Employment Tribunals, Pay/Wage, Staff Handbook, Wages

Jul 17

Posted by
Lauren Conway

Top tips for reference check questions

The reference check stage of the recruitment process is a crucial stage for an employer to obtain vital information about a candidate and corroborating that what they have said on their CV and in their interview is factual and true. By speaking to references, you can gather more information about the candidate’s work ethics and personality traits that might not be apparent during the interview.

Factual Questions

Factual questions are important to ask to confirm information the candidate has given you regarding their previous role is accurate. For example:

• Can you please confirm the candidate’s dates of employment?
• Can you please confirm the candidate’s job title?
• What was your working relationship with the candidate?

Behavioral Questions

By asking behavioral questions you can gain a better insight into the candidate’s personality and work ethic. For example:

• Can you please describe the candidate’s attendance and timekeeping?
• Can you please describe the candidate’s job performance?
• Can you please describe the candidate’s relationship with their colleagues and also with management?

Hypothetical Question

There is one hypothetical question that is important to ask at the end of each reference check:

• Would you re-hire the candidate in the future?

This question can tell you a lot as there is a big difference between “No I would not”, “Um…maybe” and “Yes, I wish they were not leaving”.

Hiring the wrong candidate can be extremely costly for any organisation so ensure to always complete reference checks with at least two referees and ideally with a manager or superior.

BrightPay - Payroll Software
Bright Contracts - Employment Contracts and Handbooks

Posted in Company Handbook, Employee Handbook, Staff Handbook

Jul 17

Posted by
Jennie Hussey

GDPR – What is it and what does it mean for you?

The General Data Protection Regulation will come into force on the 25th of May 2018, after 4 years of intense preparation and debate it was finally approved to replace the existing Data Protection Directive 95/46/EC.

The aim of the GDPR is to protect all EU citizens from privacy and data breaches in an increasingly data-driven world that is vastly different from the time in which the 1995 directive was established.

The key points of the GDPR are:

  • Increased Territorial Scope
    Arguably the biggest change to the regulatory landscape of data privacy comes with the extended jurisdiction of the GDPR, as it applies to all companies processing the personal data of data subjects residing in the Union, regardless of the company’s location. 
  • Penalties
    Under GDPR organizations in breach of GDPR can be fined up to 4% of annual global turnover or €20 Million (whichever is greater). This is the maximum fine that can be imposed for the most serious infringements.
  • Consent
    Requests for consent must be clear and distinguishable from other matters and provided in an intelligible and easily accessible form, using clear and plain language. It must be as easy to withdraw consent as it is to give it. 
  • Breach Notification
    Where a breach occurs that is likely to “result in a risk for the rights and freedoms of individuals” that Data Controller must notify affected parties within 72 hours of first having become aware of the breach.
  • Right to Access
    Part of the expanded rights of data subjects outlined by the GDPR is the right for data subjects to obtain from the data controller confirmation as to whether or not personal data concerning them is being processed, where and for what purpose.
  • Right to be Forgotten
    Also known as Data Erasure, the right to be forgotten entitles the data subject to have the data controller erase his/her personal data, cease further dissemination of the data, and potentially have third parties halt processing of the data. Conditions for data erasure do exist, including the data no longer being relevant. 
  • Data Portability
    GDPR introduces data portability - the right for a data subject to receive the personal data concerning them, which they have previously provided in a 'commonly use and machine-readable format' and have the right to transmit that data to another controller. 
  • Privacy by Design
    Privacy by design calls for the inclusion of data protection from the onset of the designing of systems, rather than an addition. Under GDPR data controllers are called on to hold and process only the data absolutely necessary for the completion of its duties, as well as limiting the access to personal data. 
  • Data Protection Officers 
    DPO appointment will be mandatory only for those controllers and processors whose core activities consist of processing operations which require regular and systematic monitoring of data subjects on a large scale or of special categories of data or data relating to criminal convictions and offenses. Specific criteria in relation to the appointment of a DPO exist.

The GDPR places onerous obligations on organisations in relation to the processing of personal data. In order to be ready for the May deadline, it is strongly advisable to start preparing now. 

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