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Aug 22

Posted by
Saoirse Moloney

WRC Inspections: What you need to know

WRC inspectors carry out employment rights compliance inspections and associated enquires. In general, an employer will get advance notice of an inspection. In some instances, an inspector has the right to show up unannounced.

Inspectors have the following powers:

  • To inspect and take copies of any documents or records
  • To remove any books, documents, or records and retain them for such period as the inspector considers necessary for the purposes or their functions under the Workplace Relations Act 2015
  • To require any person at the place of work or premises to produce such books, records or documents as the inspector may require for the purposes of their functions under this Act
  • To examine any person who they believe to be or have been an employer or employee, and to require such person to answer questions as the inspector may ask relating to the employment.

Preparing for an inspection

Employers should always be prepared for a WRC inspection as these may happen at any stage.

Employers Checklist:

  • Employers’ registration number with Revenue Commissioners
  • A list of all employees: full names, addresses, and PPS numbers
  • Dates of commencement and dates of termination of employment
  • Written terms of employment for each of the employees
  • Employee’s job classification
  • A record of annual leave and Public Holidays took by each employee
  • Hours of work for each employee (start and finish time)
  • Payroll details: gross to net, rate per hour, overtime, deductions, commission, bonuses, service charges, etc.
  • Evidence that Employees were provided with pay slips
  • A register of any employees under 18 years of age
  • Details of any board and lodgings provided
  • Employment permits or evidence that permit is not required as appropriate for non-EEA nationals

The Inspection


  • Response to alleged non-compliance
  • WRC compliance campaigns- sector/legislation specific
  • Routine inspections

Conduction of the inspection

The inspection will carry out an interview with the Employer or their representative. At this stage, all relevant records will be requested, calculated, and examined.

After examining the records, the inspector will interview a sample of employees to gather additional information. These findings will be shared with the employer.

If it appears that all is compliant, the inspector will issue a letter concluding the inspection.

Examining the records

Accurate records can protect employers from false allegations

The inspector will examine a sample of records over a period of one year prior to the examination. They will then determine if they should examine further records within the previous years from what they see in the first records.

Examples of inspection Offences

  • Failure to pay the National Minimum Wage rate
  • Failure to keep employment records for a period of 3 years
  • Failure to give a statement of wages (e.g. payslip)
  • Employing a person who is not an EEA or Swiss national without a valid employment permit or other valid permission to work.

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Posted in Employee Contracts, Workplace Relations Commission, WRC

Aug 22

Posted by
Saoirse Moloney

Effective Absence Management

One of your employees calling in sick or saying they can’t make it into work but not giving a reason as to why can be frustrating and disruptive.

The best thing to do to manage this is to have an absence policy in place. The policy should outline how sickness-related-absences will be dealt with and should specify what period of time forms:

• Short-term absence
• Long-term absence
• Unauthorized absence

Your absence policy should be shared with your employees. Doing this will ensure that employees know how each instance of absence will be handled and what procedure will be followed.

Furthermore, having an absence policy in place will ensure consistency.

How to reduce sickness absence in the workplace

Return to work interview
One of the easiest ways to reduce sickness absence is to conduct a return to work interview. This conversation will bring to light any issues an employee has, whether it’s personal work or work-related. It could mean that you alter their working hours, allow them to work from home, or take time off for medical appointments.

Record Keeping

Record keeping is another useful practice. Tracking employee absences can be very beneficial to see what patterns may appear with the absence of an employee. For example, does one of your employees always miss the Friday of a Bank Holiday? Or say they’re unwell the Monday they’re due in after a week off?

Monitoring absences will make these patterns easier to spot and gives you proof if you need to speak to the employee.


Whether it’s a short or long-term absence, it’s important that you reach out to the absent individual. You can do so by phone, email, and in some cases, a home visit. Reaching out, it will give you an insight into their illness and how long they think they will be absent. It will also help you prepare for their return.

Dismissal due to sickness absence

In extreme cases, such as long-term sickness, dismissal for absence may be considered.
If you decided to go down the dismissal route, you’ll need to show that the procedure used was fair and reasonable. Failure to follow fair procedures may leave your company open to a claim for unfair dismissal.

Bright Contracts Handbook contains an absence policy in the “Terms & Conditions” section of the handbook.

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Posted in Company Handbook, Employee Handbook, Employment Law, Health & Safety, Sick Leave/Absence Management

Aug 22

Posted by
Saoirse Moloney

Discrimination Case Law: Doherty v St John of God Community Services

St John of God was ordered to pay €45k for refusing to allow a pregnant employee to work remotely during the pandemic.

In this blog post, we will discuss the facts, and what employers should do to avoid any claims.


The employee, in this case, claimed that her inability to work from home during the Covid-19 outbreak and her role change constituted discrimination based on her family situation. She explained that she believed she was given no choice but to take sick leave. She was not given the same options as other parents or other pregnant women such as reduced hours, using zoom calls to contact service users as an alternative, and especially working from home.

She said in a conversation with her supervisor she was told that if she couldn’t work from home her only option was to take sick leave even though other staff in her department were allowed to work from home. Even after sending in her sick cert, she was asked to participate in Zoom calls, attend to phone calls and text messages and contact other staff. After this, she took ill, with stress and upset a factor, and had to be hospitalised.

In July 2020 a colleague contacted her about coming back to work, initially at a site that facilitated social distancing, but she was contacted being told she was being transferred to a more public-facing role which was not ideal for someone who is 30 weeks pregnant.

Note for Employers

Employers should establish clear policies and procedures to manage remote work. Policies should establish guidelines and expectations in order to ensure fair and consistent practices, as well as legal compliance when decisions are made based on the role’s suitability for remote work.

Bright Contracts has a Working from Home policy in the “Terms and Conditions” section of the Handbook.


Related Articles:

How to Prevent Discrimination in the Workplace


Posted in Discrimination, Employment Law, Employment Tribunals

Jul 22

Posted by
Saoirse Moloney

New Worker’s rights passed by the Oireachtas

Over the last few weeks, The Oireachtas has approved two new workers’ rights: sick pay and tip protection. Both of these will have a significant impact on millions of workers nationwide.

Sick Pay for eligible employees

As discussed in a previous blog post: Preparing for New Sick Pay Rules. The Sick Leave Bill 2022 has been passed by both Houses of the Oireachtas. This gives eligible employees in Ireland the right to paid sick leave. Employers will pay sick pay at a rate of 70% of an employee's wage, up to a daily maximum of €110.

To receive statutory sick pay, an employee must obtain a medical certificate and have worked for their employer for a minimum of 13 weeks. Employees who require further time off after their employer’s entitlement to sick pay expires may be eligible for illness benefits from the Department of Social Protection, subject to PRSI contributions. The Bill has now been signed into law by the president. 

The Payment of Wages (Amendment) (Tips and Gratuities) Bill

In addition to passing the Sick Leave Bill 2022, the Oireachtas passed new legislation to ensure those working in the hospitality industry receive their fair share of tips and gratuities. This will clarify the definitions of required charges, service charges, tips, and gratuities. In addition, it will exclude tips and gratuities from a worker’s contractual wages, and oblige employers to distribute tips received electronically, fairly, equitably, and in a transparent manner. It will also ensure that any charge referred to as a ‘service charge’ is distributed to employees in the same way as tips received.

Employers should begin reviewing their sick leave policies to ensure that they comply with the upcoming statutory sick leave scheme. Employers in relevant industries should also review their policies and procedures for managing tips, gratuities, and service charges to ensure they are in line with the changes in the law.

Posted in Employee Contracts, Employee Handbook, Employment Law, Sick Leave/Absence Management

Jul 22

Posted by
Saoirse Moloney

How to Prepare an Anti-Bullying Policy

Prevention is the best way to avoid the risk of bullying at work. The purpose of an effective policy is not simply to prevent improper conduct and behaviour but also to encourage best practices and a safe and harmless workplace where such behaviour is unlikely to occur.

Employers should adopt, monitor, and implement an effective and accessible policy on bullying in the workplace.

Preparing the Policy

The policy and complaints procedure should be adopted, where appropriate. Simple direct language should be used in the policy. Information given to employees should be in a form, manner and in an appropriate language that is likely to be understood by the employees concerned.

The policy should be written, dated, and signed by a responsible person in senior management and updated when appropriate.

Scope of the Policy

The policy should:

  • Describe what is meant by bullying at work
  • Include a non-exhaustive list of examples of bullying behaviour relevant to the employment
  • Given the name or job title of the person who may be approached by a person wishing to complain of bullying at work
  • State that the protection extends to bullying at work by management, fellow employees, subordinates, clients, customers, and other business contacts as well as work-related social events
  • State that all complaints of bullying will be taken seriously and will be followed through to resolution and that employees who make a complaint will not be victimised.

Allocation of Responsibilities in Prevention of Bullying at Work

The policy should state that management, others in the position of authority, and workplace representatives have a particular responsibility to ensure that bullying at work does not occur and that complaints are addressed promptly.

The policy should state that, management will:

  • Provide a good example by treating all people in the workplace with respect
  • Promote awareness of the policy and complaints procedures
  • Be vigilant for signs of bullying at work through observation and through seeking employee feedback and take action before a problem escalates
  • Deal sensitively with employees involved in a bullying complaint
  • Explain the procedures to be followed if a complaint of bullying at work is made
  • Ensure that an employee making a complaint is not victimised for doing so
  • Monitor and follow up on the situation after a complaint is made so that the bullying at work does not reoccur.

Bright Contracts has a preformatted Anti-Bullying Policy under the ‘Bullying and Harassment Policy and Procedure' section of the Handbook in the software, which is fully compliant with current employment laws.

Related Articles: 

Bullying in the Workplace: What you need to know

Bullying in the Workplace: What constitutes as bullying?

What You Need to Know About Staff Handbooks


Posted in Bullying and Harassment, Employee Contracts, Employee Handbook, Employment Law

Jul 22

Posted by
Saoirse Moloney

Bullying in the Workplace: What you need to know

We have already discussed in a previous blog post Bullying in the Workplace: What constitutes bullying? What bullying is and what constitutes bullying. In this post we are going to discuss the effects bullying have at work, the role of the employer and the employee to prevent bullying at work and actions and measures you can take to tackle bullying.

The effects of Bullying at Work

Workplace bullying and related complaints can have a range of effects on both employees and employers. For the employer, the effects can include reputation damage, absences of employees in the workplace, reduced productivity, increased costs, poor morale, and loss of respect for managers and supervisors.

For the employee or the target of bullying behaviour, the effects can include stress, low morale, reduced performance, and lower productivity. Some people decide to leave their employment, exposing themselves to financial strains.

Prevention of Bullying at Work- Role of Employer

Every person in the workplace has a role in promoting a positive workplace free from bullying behaviour.

An employer should:

  • Uphold the duty to manage and conduct work activities in such a way as to prevent any improper conduct or behaviour that is likely to risk an employee’s safety, health or welfare at work. Employers must act reasonably to prevent workplace bullying patterns developing, where there is a complaint, the employer must react reasonably, assess the complaint, and record actions on each case.
  • Develop a workplace anti-bullying policy, in consultation with employees, to ensure a system is in place for dealing with complaints and that disciplinary action may follow where bullying has occurred.

Prevention of Bullying at Work- Role of Employee

How an employee behaves in a way that is acceptable. Employees both individually and within teams and groups, have a role in promoting positive behaviour to others, relating in a clear, civil and respectful way to everyone in the workplace.

Under section 13 of the 2005 Act employees’ duties include to:

  • Comply with the relevant statutory provisions, as appropriate, and take reasonable care to protect their safety, health and welfare of any other person who may be affected by the employee’s acts
  • Co-operate with their employer or any other person so far as is necessary to enable their employer or any other person to comply with the relevant statutory provisions.
  • Not engage in other behaviour that is likely to endanger a person’s own safety, or their health and welfare at work or any other person at work during the course of the employment.

Measures to Prevent Bullying in the Workplace

  • Promotion and reinforcement of a positive workplace culture
  • Effective Anti-Bullying policies, to be used and promoted in the workplace
  • Widespread policy awareness
  • Appropriate training as required for those managing complaints and for line management
  • Contact person/appropriate support available

There may be value in appointing a Contact Person who acts as the first step for anyone enquiring about a possible bullying case. Where the organization can support this, it can help to resolve matters earlier and more effectively.

The Contact Person should be supportive and listen and offer guidance in line with company policy and procedures all on a confidential basis. This person should be carefully selected and trained. The main purpose of this role is to be supportive, they will have no role in the investigation of any complaints and should not be tasked with any further involvement in the details or right and wrongs of a complaint.

Related Articles:

Bullying in the Workplace: What constitutes as bullying?

What You Need to Know About Staff Handbooks



Posted in Bullying and Harassment, Employee Contracts, Employee Handbook, Employment Law

Jul 22

Posted by
Saoirse Moloney

The Importance of HR Policies & Procedures

HR Policies are formal rules and guidance for managers and employees setting out how to manage a range of employment issues in the workplace.

A policy is a guiding principle used to set direction in an organization. It should be used as a guide to decision making under a given set of circumstances within the framework of objectives set out by senior management

A procedure is a particular way of accomplishing something. It should be designed as a set of series of steps to be followed as a consistent and repetitive approach or cycle to accomplish an end result

Purposes of HR Policies and Procedures

HR policies and procedures give guidance on a range of employment issues for employees, managers and others with responsibility for people.


  • Set clear standards and expectations and creates awareness
  • Transparently communicates the conditions of employment
  • Ensures employees are treated equally and fairly
  • Creates a safe and healthy work environment
  • Creates a channel for addressing employee grievances and disputes
  • Mitigate risks

How to communicate HR Policies

  • Must be issued to all employees
  • Must be in writing (company handbook)
  • Employees must be informed of policies on commencement of employment
  • Employees must sign off on policies
  • Policies must be accessible and reviewed frequently
  • Managers must be coached and sufficiently trained.

Rather than incorporating policies into the contract, you may consider;

  • Referring to the policies and procedures and where they can be found
  • Confirm that they don’t form part of the employee’s contract of employment

Essential Policies

  • Some essential policies that should be included are:
  • Disciplinary
  • Grievance
  • Dignity in the workplace (Bullying, Harassment, etc)
  • Equal Opportunities
  • Health and Safety Policy
  • Retirement Policy
  • Right to Disconnect
  • Whistleblowing Policy
  • Probation Policy
  • Absence Policy
  • Data Protection
  • Confidentiality
  • Hybrid Working
  • Flexible Work

In order to build a good company, it is essential for employees to be able to work together peacefully. Having a proper set of policies and procedures in place can make this happen.

Bright Contracts handbook provides all the policies and procedures any SME would need. It allows you to edit the text to suit your company’s needs.

Related Articles: 

What You Need to Know About Staff Handbooks

Time Saving With Bright Contracts



Posted in Contract of employment, Employee Contracts, Employee Handbook, Employment Contract, Employment Law

Jul 22

Posted by
Saoirse Moloney

Managing Annual Leave & Public Holidays

These topics create some confusion amongst employers, this blog post will hopefully line out any confusion that employers may have.

What is a public holiday?

A public holiday is nationally recognised day when most businesses and other institutions are closed. They usually occur on a special day or event. For example, St Patrick's Day and Christmas Day.
In 2022 we were introduced to a new once off public holiday that will take place on Friday, 18th of March. From 2023 there will be a new annual public holiday in February to celebrate St Brigid’s Day, it will happen on the first Monday in February.

When are the public holidays?

• New Year’s Day
• First Monday in February, or 1st of February if the date falls on a Friday (2023 onwards)
• Saint Patrick’s Day
• Once off public holiday (18th March 2022 only)
• Easter Monday
• First Monday in May
• First Monday in June
• First Monday in August
• Last Monday in October
• Christmas Day
• St Stephens Day

What are employees entitled to?

Most employees are entitled to a day paid leave on public holidays. There is an exception for certain part-time employees.

If you qualify for public holiday benefit, you are entitled to:
• A paid day off on the public holiday
• An additional day of annual leave
• An additional day’s pay
• A paid day off within a month of the public holiday

Part time employees are entitled to a day’s pay for the public holiday if they meet the following requirements:
• You have worked for your employer at least 40 hours in the 5 weeks before the public holiday
• The public holiday falls on the day you normally work

If you are required to work on the day the public holiday falls you are entitled to an additional day’s pay. If you do not work on the day, you should get one fifth of your weekly pay.

Annual Leave

We all know that employers are obliged to provide paid annual leave under the Organisation of Working Time Act, 1997. This act applies to all employees working under a contract of employment.

The amount of holidays an employee receives is calculated by the amount of work the employee does in the leave year.

If an employee works 1365 hours in a leave year they will be entitled to 4 normal working weeks of annual leave.

To calculate annual leave for employees who have worked less than 1365 hours in the annual leave year, they receive one-third of a week for each month that 117 hours are worked or 8% of the hours worked up to a maximum of 4 working weeks.

Accrual of Annual Leave

Employees will begin to accrue annual leave from the first date of employment.

Accrued from hours:

  • Physically and notionally worked
  • All time on certified sick leave
  • Time worked on public holidays
  • Annual leave itself

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Posted in Company Handbook, Contract of employment, Employee Handbook, Pay/Wage, Staff Handbook, Wages

Jul 22

Posted by
Saoirse Moloney

Managing Covid-19 in the Workplace

With the cases of Covid-19 still on the rise, it’s important that your employees are safe at work.

The Work Safety Protocol which has been in place since the 31st of January 2022 is still fully applicable in all workplaces. As of now, there are no plans in place to update the document. All companies should have a Covid-19 response plan.

You are probably wondering what type of information you should provide to employees on how to manage symptoms, cases and contacts. Employees should be directed to the general Covid-19 information on the HSE website.

Employees that are displaying cold and hay fever symptoms and are reluctant to attend the workplace should not attend the workplace. They should be directed to the HSE website and asked to comply with the public health requirements.

The current advice is that if you are showing symptoms, even mild ones you should:

• self-isolate (stay in your room) until 48 hours after your symptoms are mostly or fully gone

• wear a face mask if you have to be around other people#

This applies even if you completed your first round of Covid-19 vaccination, had a booster or had Covid-19 in the past.

Displaying Symptoms in the Workplace

If an employee is displaying symptoms of Covid-19 in the workplace the person should be moved to a designated isolation area and provided with a suitable face covering in order to minimize the risk of transmission.

Distinguishing between Covid-19 and Hay fever symptoms

Employees who suffer from hay fever are usually familiar with the symptoms. If in doubt they should follow public health advice and not attend the workplace until 48 hours after their symptoms are mostly or fully gone.

Managing Close Contacts in the Workplace

The advice around close contacts has changed. If an employee thinks they have been in close contact with someone who has Covid-19, they do not need to restrict movements or self-isolate. They should:

Watch out for symptoms of Covid-19 - it can take up to 14 days after you are infected for symptoms to show.

Take extra care to follow the advice on protecting others from Covid-19, in case you have the virus.

Testing Positive

All confirmed cases should self-isolate for a full 7 days from the date of onset symptoms or is asymptomatic, from the date of a positive test result.

Reporting Outbreaks

There is no longer a requirement to report an outbreak to the HSE.

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Posted in Coronavirus, Health & Safety

Jun 22

Posted by
Saoirse Moloney

Parent's Leave & Benefit Act 2019

The Parent’s Leave and Benefit Act 2019 came into effect on the 1st of November 2019.  From July 2022 this Act provides for 7 weeks parent’s leave with protection of employment for a relevant parent in respect of a child born or adopted on or after the 1st of November 2019. The purpose of the Act is to enable the relevant parent to provide, or assist in the provision of, care to the child.

This leave can be taken within 24 months, up to a child's second birthday or within two years following adoption. Parents can take 7 weeks together or take separate weeks of leave. Whilst parent’s leave is available to both parents, it is not possible for parents to transfer leave to the other parent, except in the unfortunate circumstances where one of the parents dies. While on parent’s leave an employee will normally be entitled to statutory parent’s leave pay, depending on meeting certain PRSI eligibility criteria. 

Employees wishing to take parent's leave must notify the employer in writing, giving at least 6 weeks’ notice of their intention to take the leave. They should state the expected start date for the leave and how they intend to take the leave – either five weeks together or separate weeks of leave.

Employees may be required to provide a medical certificate confirming the pregnancy and expected date of birth, or a copy of the birth certificate for the child. In the case of adoptions, a certificate confirming eligibility for adoption will be required.

Paid parent’s leave can be taken in addition to existing Maternity Leave, Adoptive Leave, Paternity Leave and Parental Leave rights, as applicable to each "relevant" parent.

Something important to note is that the employer may postpone a request to take parent's leave by up to 12 weeks, in cases where it is felt that by granting the leave request there would be an adverse effect on the business. Before postponing any request, the employer will consult with the employee.

Once a decision has been made to postpone, the employer will provide the employee with written confirmation that the leave is being postponed giving 4 weeks’ notice before the intended commencement date. The confirmation will set out the grounds for the postponement. The employer will only be permitted to postpone the leave on one occasion.

During parent’s leave the employees employment rights are preserved, and annual leave will continue to accrue. The employer reserves the right to refuse time-off to employees where there is non-compliance with this procedure, and any such non-compliance may be dealt with under the Disciplinary Procedure.

Parent's Leave & Maternity Leave

However if any employee requires to take all or any of the 16 weeks unpaid maternity leave, that leave must be taken directly after the paid maternity ends. Again the employee does not have to take the full 16 weeks unpaid, they can move directly to Parents Benefit after paid Maternity ends, they can take any number of weeks of the unpaid maternity leave that they require and after availing of the weeks they require under that entitlement either return to work or move to Parents Benefit.

So how must an employee notify their employer of their intention to take maternity leave?

At least 4 weeks before the commencement of maternity leave stating the date on which the leave is due to commence.

Related Articles:

-  Don't Forget About Fathers: Paternity Leave & Benefit Act 2016

The Employer & Maternity Leave

Posted in Company Handbook, Family Leave

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